An Introduction to
REM-3 Microbes

B.R.E. Haz-Mat StripeB.R.E. Haz-Mat StripeB.R.E. Haz-Mat StripeB.R.E. Haz-Mat StripeB.R.E. Haz-Mat StripeB.R.E. Haz-Mat StripeB.R.E. Haz-Mat StripeB.R.E. Haz-Mat StripeB.R.E. Haz-Mat StripeB.R.E. Haz-Mat StripeB.R.E. Haz-Mat StripeB.R.E. Haz-Mat Stripe REM-3 Microbes Logo REM-3TM Microbes
Our Oil-Digesting Bacterial Cultures
for Bio-Remediating a Spill Site

The REM-3TM formulation of bacterial cultures has been developed specifically to bio-degrade petroleum wastes.

This non-pathogenic formulation is Non-Toxic and 100% Bio-Degradable... made up of various strains of bacterial colonies isolated from the soil and water. Each strain is selected for its unique abilities to break down complex hydrocarbon molecules. Each strain is acclimated to petroleum based sludge during the production cycle. This process yields an effective blend of bacterial cultures for degrading and eliminating petroleum based wastes and crude oil spilled in the environment.

The REM-3 cultures will continue to grow and flourish as environmental conditions remain temperate, neither too acidic nor too caustic, and with adequate levels of water, oxygen and hydrocarbons.

When the spilled petroleum hydrocarbons have been completely degraded and eliminated the population density of the REM-3 cultures will recede to normal levels found in the soil and water.

REM-3 cultures are Nature's Remedy for dealing with spilled petroleum products and a cleaner environment - available already contained in... ...or as a two part (liquid and dry phase) formulation in... ...and also on its own in dry-mix 25-pound bucket as...
  • REM-3 Microbes (stock # BRE-R3-M-0025)

  • Once activated by water, REM-3 will continue to grow in the presence of nutrients, oxygen and oil.
  • Harmless to land or marine life forms.
  • REM-3 cultures die off when all hydrocarbons are consumed.
  • REM-3 cultures leave NO toxic residues or by-products.

  • Remediation of spilled petroleum products and crude oil on land and water.
  • Cleanup of oil-based fluids from drilling pits.
  • Remediation of sludge and waste ponds.
  • Seed stock for bioreactors.

  • REM-3 comes in a brown to tan powdered carrier with nutrients.
  • REM-3 has a very faint wheat and yeast-like odor.
  • The density is 25.0 pounds per 5-gallon bucket.
  • C.F.U./gram... 5 billion "bugs".
  • Ph/Optimum Temperature Range... 6 to 8.5/40oF - 120oF.
  • MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet)... available on request.
  • Dry State... Dormant.
  • Shelf Life... 2 years, with average conditions.
  • Activation... Fresh Water, Water based liquids (i.e.: SoilUTION our bio-catalyst wetting agent and nutrients).

Varied Mixing, Application and Use Guidelines can be obtained from your Distributor to fit your situation.

Remember... "If You Spill, Don't Let It Kill !

B.R.E. Haz-Mat Stripe
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Blue Ribbon
6310 N. Pittsburg Droplet icon Spokane, WA Droplet icon 99217 U.S.A.
phone: (509) 489-1704 Droplet icon 1-800-436-1050
fax: (509) 489-1785
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